What You Need to Know About Jaw Popping and Clicking 

Jaw popping is a prevalent TMD symptom (temporomandibular joint disorder). Trauma, stress, and clenching your teeth are all potential causes. Treatment options include dietary changes, home cures, and nonsurgical or surgical procedures. A Denver, CO dentist could tell you more, so schedule an appointment today. 

What is jaw-popping? 

Your jaw may make a clicking or cracking sound as you speak, yawn, or chew. It is a common sign of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, sometimes known as TMD. Individuals who get jaw clicking as a symptom of TMD frequently experience the following symptoms: 

  • Neck pain 
  • Jaw pain 
  • Earaches 
  • Headaches 

Jaw clicking can be minor to severe, affecting one or both sides of your face. Your healthcare professional may offer home remedies, nonsurgical treatments, lifestyle changes, or surgery, depending on the severity of your illness. 

Types of jaw popping. 

There are two primary ways for your jaw to pop. That can happen if you open your mouth wide (like when you yawn). This form of jaw clicking is common and normally does not cause concern.

Jaw popping can also occur when you close your mouth and then open it again, such as when chewing or speaking. The articular disk – the cartilage that provides cushioning to your jaw joint — slips in and out of place, causing this type of jaw clicking. 

Why does the jaw pop? 

If you have the following conditions, your jaw may click or pop. 

  • Biological parents or grandparents suffering from TMJ disorders
  • Teeth clenching or grinding, also known as bruxism
  • Trauma caused by an accident or a sports injury
  • Habits such as persistently biting your nails or chewing gum
  • Stress and anxiety-induced muscle stiffness
  • Arthritis
  • Your jaw joint has skeletal anomalies
  • Malocclusion (when your teeth do not fit properly together when you bite down)

How is jaw-popping treated?

A popping jaw can be treated in a variety of methods, including: 

  • Surgery 
  • Lifestyle changes 
  • Nonsurgical treatments 
  • Medication 

The severity of your problem determines the treatment that is best for you. 

What are the possible risks of not treating jaw clicking? 

Jaw popping is commonly a sign of TMD. TMD, if left untreated, can permanently harm your jaw, resulting in cartilage and bone loss. 

Can I prevent jaw popping? 

There is not much you can do to stop your jaw from popping in the first place, especially if bone problems cause it. However, to lessen your chances of jaw clicking due to teeth grinding, try conditioning yourself to keep your teeth slightly separated unless you are speaking, eating, or swallowing. Keeping your jaw relaxed and at rest may aid in the prevention of TMD.