Custom Mouthguards vs Store Bought Mouthguards

Mouthguards are essential for safeguarding our teeth during sports and other physical activities. Without adequate protection, our pearly whites are at risk of damage from impacts and accidents. In this guide, we’ll explore the differences between custom and store-bought mouthguards. We’ll also help you make an informed decision about which type best suits your needs.

Why Mouthguards Matter

Mouthguards are essential for protecting teeth and gums during sports. Many athletes, from professionals to weekend warriors, rely on mouthguards to prevent injuries. In addition to sports, mouthguards can also be beneficial for those who grind their teeth at night.

A well-fitted mouthguard can absorb impacts that might otherwise result in chipped or broken teeth, injuries to the lips and gums, and even jaw fractures. Dental health enthusiasts understand the importance of maintaining a healthy smile, and mouthguards play a crucial role in this mission.

Differences Between Custom and Store-Bought Mouthguards

Material Quality

Custom mouthguards are crafted from high-quality materials that provide superior protection and durability. These materials are designed to withstand the wear and tear of athletic activities, offering long-lasting performance. In contrast, store-bought mouthguards are often made from generic, less durable materials.

Fit and Comfort

One of the most significant differences between custom and store-bought mouthguards is the fit. Custom mouthguards are moulded specifically to fit an individual’s mouth. This precision fit ensures optimal comfort and protection. On the other hand, store-bought mouthguards come in standard sizes, which may not fit as snugly or comfortably.

Protection Level

Because custom mouthguards are tailored to fit the unique contours of your mouth, they offer superior protection. They cover all the critical areas of your teeth and gums, reducing the risk of injury. Store-bought mouthguards, with their generic fit, may leave certain areas exposed and vulnerable.

The Importance of Customisation

Enhanced Dental Health

A custom-fit mouthguard can significantly enhance dental health. By providing a precise fit, it minimises the risk of tooth damage and gum injuries. This level of protection is particularly important for individuals involved in high-impact sports.

Improved Sports Performance

For athletes, a custom mouthguard can also improve sports performance. The comfortable fit reduces distractions, allowing athletes to focus on their game. Additionally, the better protection offered by custom mouthguards can boost confidence, knowing that their teeth and gums are well-protected.

Reduced Risk of Injuries

A custom mouthguard’s snug fit ensures that it stays in place during physical activity. This stability reduces the risk of injuries caused by the mouthguard shifting or falling out. Whether you’re playing football, rugby, or boxing, a custom mouthguard provides reliable protection.

Cost Analysis

Initial Costs

The initial cost of custom mouthguards is higher than store-bought options. This is because custom mouthguards require professional dental impressions and fabrication. However, this initial investment is justified by the superior protection and comfort they offer.

Long-Term Value

While store-bought mouthguards are cheaper upfront, they may need to be replaced more frequently due to wear and tear. Custom mouthguards gold coast, with their durable materials and precise fit, often last longer, providing better long-term value. Investing in a custom mouthguard can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent replacements and potential dental treatments due to injuries.

Guide to Choosing the Right Mouthguard

Assess Your Needs

The first step in choosing the right mouthguard is to thoroughly assess your needs. Consider the sports or activities you participate in and the level of impact involved. High-impact sports, like football or hockey, will require a more robust and durable mouthguard to protect against potential injuries. On the other hand, activities such as cycling or gymnastics may allow for lighter protection. Additionally, think about any previous dental injuries or existing dental appliances, such as braces, which might necessitate special considerations.

Evaluate Fit and Comfort

Fit and comfort are crucial factors when choosing a mouthguard. Ill-fitting mouthguards can cause discomfort, reduce performance, and may not provide adequate protection. Custom mouthguards, made by a dental professional, offer the best fit and highest level of comfort. However, if you’re opting for a store-bought option, look for ones that offer boil-and-bite customisation. This allows you to mould the mouthguard to the shape of your mouth, improving fit and comfort. Remember to periodically check the fit of your mouthguard, as regular wear and tear can alter its shape over time.

Consult a Dental Professional

To ensure you select the best mouthguard for your needs, it is highly recommended to consult a dental professional. They can provide personalised advice based on your specific dental health and activity level. A dental professional can also take precise impressions of your mouth to create a custom-fit mouthguard that offers optimal protection and comfort. In addition, they can guide you on how to properly care for your mouthguard, ensuring its longevity and effectiveness. Regular dental check-ups can also help monitor any changes in your dental health that might impact the type of mouthguard you need.

By taking the time to assess your needs, evaluate fit and comfort, and consult with a dental professional, you can ensure that you choose the best mouthguard to protect your smile during all your activities.


In summary, protecting your teeth with a mouthguard is essential for anyone involved in sports or physical activities. While store-bought mouthguards offer a cheaper and quicker solution, custom mouthguards provide superior fit, comfort, and protection. By investing in a custom mouthguard, you can enhance your dental health, improve sports performance, and reduce the risk of injuries.

Remember, your smile is worth protecting, so make an informed choice when selecting a mouthguard. For personalised advice, be sure to consult a dental professional and consider your specific needs and lifestyle. Share this guide with fellow dental health enthusiasts and help spread the importance of choosing the right mouthguard.

Are you ready to protect your smile with the best mouthguard? Consult a dental professional today and take the first step towards safeguarding your dental health.