Here are our top 10 tips for forming a daily fitness habit, whether you’re seeking inspiration to start working out or want to switch up your present regime. Follow these tips to keep motivated and to get the best from a daily fitness routine.
Always remember to warm up first with some stretching to reduce the risk of injury.
1 – Come up with a workout plan.
You don’t have to do all your physical activity at once. Ten minutes in the morning, afternoon, and evening can be just as helpful as 30 minutes at once. As long as you do something, it is better than doing nothing.
2 – Work out with someone else.
Having someone to work out with can help you stay on track, keep motivated, have a laugh and get you out the door. If you can, form a workout group to keep everyone motivated.
3 – Keep it brisk.
When you walk, walk quickly because it may help you lose weight better than walking slowly. How quick is fast enough? Walk as if you were late for an important meeting or as if you are behind time catching a bus.
4 – Walk around before you eat.
Go to the gym or take a 20-minute walk with your co-workers, then eat lunch. You will find you eat less after exercising.
5 – Use a step counter.
Pedometers are a simple and inexpensive way to encourage yourself to move around. Try to reach 10,000 steps a day. You can even get free apps on your phone to monitor your progress.
6 – Put the TV, computer, and smartphone to sleep.
Cut down on how much time you spend in front of a screen. Instead, move around by going for a walk or even just cleaning the house.
7 – Turn sit time into fit time.
Try to combine cardio exercise with something you already do that keeps you still. Try doing simple exercises while you watch TV, or set an alarm at work to remind you to get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour.
8 – Enroll in a class.
Check out the schedule for dance or yoga classes at a nearby studio or the availability for fitness classes at your local gym or community centre. You might find that taking a class helps you learn how to do something new and keeps you on track.
9 – Plan exercise into your day.
Set aside a specific workout time and write it down in your planner. Do not deviate or make an excuse not to exercise.
10 – Reward yourself.
No, not with cake! Set short-term goals, and when you reach them, reward yourself. Try setting your sights on a specific target or event, like a walk for charity or completing 5 miles in a session. Setting goals with rewards can help you stay motivated and will bring faster results.